5 Google Font Combinations That You'll Fall in Love With
It’s no secret that the days of custom web fonts have been around for a while. What started out by Typekit and Adobe is now being finished by Google.
There is a lot of buzz going on these days with web design and custom fonts, and more than likely you’ve seen some typography that you’d die to use. Some of these are paid fonts, which you might want not want to spend money on.
In walks Google Web Fonts – and all of your miseries (like mine) go away. Below you will see 5 examples of Google Font combinations you should start using.
Sumber: http://briangardner.com/google-font-combinations/
There is a lot of buzz going on these days with web design and custom fonts, and more than likely you’ve seen some typography that you’d die to use. Some of these are paid fonts, which you might want not want to spend money on.
In walks Google Web Fonts – and all of your miseries (like mine) go away. Below you will see 5 examples of Google Font combinations you should start using.
1. Montserrat and Neuton
2. Roboto Slab and Roboto
3. Lato and Merriweather
4. Playfair Display and Open Sans
5. Oswald and Quattrocento
Sumber: http://briangardner.com/google-font-combinations/